Ice Charts
We aim to provide every single sea ice chart compiled by national authorities both for the Arctic and Antarctic. Ice charts are graphical representations of sea ice patterns classified by ice concentration, stage of development and other parameters. For more information on ice charts see:
- Understanding Ice Charts - MET Norway
- Interpreting Ice Charts - Chapter 1, Environment and Climate Change Canada
C-BAND SAR - Synthetic Aperture Radar
The ILP is providing Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT RCM C-Band SAR data provided by EC Copernicus program via the European Space Agency and Environment & Climate Change Canada via the Canadian Space Agency respectively. Please see the following links for more information on Satellite-SAR and its relevance to sea ice and ice berg applications:
- SAR for Sea Ice Monitoring - Malin Johansson, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, PDF
- RUS Webinar: Sea Ice Monitoring with Sentinel-1 - CRYO04
- NASA Earthdata: What is SAR?
- Dierking, S., "Observing the Ocean with Synthetic Aperture Radar," Oceanography, Vol. 26, No. 2, PDF
Sea Ice Concentration
Sea Ice Concentration data is provided daily for both poles at a resolution of 3.125km2. It is derived from passive microwave data captured by the AMSR2 instrument onboard "Shizuku" (GCOM-W1). The Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen, Germany, is processing and providing this dataset. For more information please see:
Sea Ice Limit
The sea ice limit is derived from the 15% ice concentration contour based on the AMSR2 sea ice concentration dataset.